The State of Seafood with 保罗·格林伯格 and Blue Moon Fish

张贴在 Greenmarket

Join bg视讯 and Greenmarket for a conversation with 保罗·格林伯格 and Stephanie Villani about the current state of seafood and politics surrounding the fishing industry.

保罗·格林伯格, sustainable fisheries expert and New York Times bestselling author, is featured in the PBS Frontline special, "我盘子里的鱼,将于2017年4月25日播出.  Stephanie and her husband Alex own Blue Moon Fish, a family operation that catches wild, local fish off the coast of Mattituck, 住在长岛的北部. 

可持续海鲜Q & A和烹饪书发行庆典
4 pm-6pm, 15美元

晚上早些时候, eventgoers will grab a drink and seafood appetizer prepared by Bowery Road restaurant before participating in a Q & A with Paul and Stephanie, and celebrate the release of Stephanie's new cookbook, "渔夫的妻子." 

7pm-10pm, $300 or sponsorship table of 10, $5000 
(Table host recognized at event and featured in electronic event materials)
Dinner ticket holders will enjoy cocktails and passed hors d’oeuvres followed by a seated four-course dinner, featuring local and sustainably-sourced seafood and shellfish, Bill Telepan准备 Oceana梅丽莎·罗德里格斯 Del Posto霍华德·卡拉奇尼科夫 多谢!酒馆, Kerry Heffernan 大银行和罗恩·帕普罗基 哥谭酒吧和烧烤店. Spirits have been generously donated by 纽约蒸馏公司 喝啤酒 布鲁克林啤酒厂
*The non-deductible portion of each ticket is $150, as this reflects the fair market value of goods and services to be provided at the event.

This fundraiser is the first in the Greenmarket Seasonal Dinner Series at bg视讯's 项目的农舍 and will allow bg视讯 to continue working with partner organizations to offer 项目的农舍 as an educational space used for panel discussions, 电影放映, and networking events focused on a just and sustainable local food system.

New Garden Build at a NYCHA site in Harlem

张贴在 社区花园


bg视讯's garden program recently built a new garden at the New York City Housing Authority's PS 139 Conversion senior housing development in Harlem.

With help from volunteers from Helmsley Charitable Trust, we built 30+ garden beds and moved 20 tons of topsoil, giving the residents of PS 139 Conversion an accessible garden that they'll be able to use for many years to come.

Check out a timelapse of the build below - and let us know if you're interested in organizing a build day of your own!


Announcing #GMKTnyc and the Official bg视讯 Hashtag Guide! 

张贴在 Greenmarket

There are so many ways to connect with us at market and online, but now we want to see all your best photos in one place. bg视讯很高兴介绍#GMKTnyc. 

GMKT代表绿色市场, 纽约是, well NYC: this phenomenal city where we operate over 50 Greenmarkets. We want to see your peak produce photos, what seasonal recipes you’re cooking, 农民在种什么, and more. Throughout the week we'll regram our favorites across all our accounts. (P.S. 一定要跟随他们来到这里!)

除了使用 #GMKTnyc, tag us in other ways,  whether you’re shopping in Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, or the Bronx! 


For all those shots of your darling dog shopping with you at market. 


# GMKTHolidays
Cooking for a holiday with market ingredients? 拍张照片分享给大家! 


# OhSNAPnyc
Did you buy something delicious with SNAP benefits or Health Bucks? Maybe you cooked a delicious meal with it. Tag us!

# letsbg视讯
Tag bg视讯 in your photos and show us how you live sustainably in NYC!

bg视讯 operates 18 Youthmarkets throughout NYC. Include #YMKTnyc on your photos featuring this magnificent program that brings fresh, affordable local produce to neighborhoods throughout the city while at the same time empowering NYC youth.


Gardens can be particularly photogenic. Photos of Grow-to-learn school gardens have an innate quality of determination. Spread the joy with either of these hashtags. 

Photos from the 农家乐项目开放日

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Vitaliy Piltser拍摄

项目的农舍 opened its doors to the public on April 29th, with festivities that included cooking demos, 花园研讨会, 回收游戏, and lots of environmental education.

Thanks to everyone that came out, and we hope to see you all again soon!




